Why You Should Journal on Your Travels

Do you find it hard to retain a vivid memory of unique travel experiences and the small details, such as the names of memorable locations or people, when travelling? Travel journaling is a great way to record these details on paper so they won’t be forgotten, not to mention you’ll improve your writing skills in the process! Here are other benefits of travel journaling.
Capture Your Thoughts and Feelings in the Moment
Travelling is all about having new experiences and the emotions that these experiences can spark inside of us. Whether it’s trying a new food dish, having a unique cultural experience or the feelings elicited when you do an activity that pushes you out of your comfort-zone, a trip is all about making us feel new things.
Unfortunately, our feelings and thoughts cannot accurately be captured in a picture and when you’re looking back on pictures of your trip, years later, it would be a shame not to remember the details.
Journaling gives you an outlet to record your personal thoughts and feelings as you have new experiences throughout your trip.
Reduce Stress
While travelling, not every experience will be positive. Writing not only allows you to remember the happy moments but also gives you a place to release your anxieties and frustrations on paper. This prevents you from harboring negative emotions internally and allows you to stay stress-free on your trip.
Create a Great Keepsake
For those that lack a passion for writing, journaling may seem like a real hassle; however, you won’t regret your efforts year later when you open your notebook and you’re transported back to those specific moments of your trip. You’ll be amazed at how vivid your memories are. Not to mention, your old travel journal is an awesome artifact to pass down to your children or grandchildren.
Engage in Self-Discovery
Filled with unexpected moments, a lack of control and a loss of routine, journaling provides a unique opportunity for you to uncover details about yourself you may not have realized were there.