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Tips to Be Productive on Your Next Flight

Tips to Be Productive on Your Next Flight

Travelling can be tiring, both mentally and physically. Once you factor in sitting for hours on end, potentially flying through different time zones and not necessarily being able to get proper sleep, not only can your time inflight be very unproductive but it can take a minute to back in your groove once on the ground. So, if you’re interested in making the most of your time in the air, use the following tips to stay productive

Make Time for Conversation

Although you may be inclined to keep your head down and work throughout the entire flight, take time to see who’s sitting next to you on the plane. If you’re travelling for business, it’s smart to always keep cards on hand; you end up beside someone who can offer invaluable advice or potentially be a partner or client. 

Stay Active

Not only is staying active on a flight important for productivity, it’s also crucial to staying healthy. Even making an effort to walk up and down the aisle is a great way to prevent blood clots and help you feel refreshed on long flights.

Set Goals Beforehand

For those trying to be productive on a plane, it helps to set goals beforehand. Prior to boarding the plane, make a list of all the tasks you want to complete in the air. This can help keep you focused and on track. 

Take a Break

Taking a break is just as important for productivity as goal setting. For many of us, trying to do work for extended periods of time leads to mental exhaustion and causes our quality of work to decrease. So, when you’re starting to feel the mental exhaustion kicking in, turn your mind to something else. There are many creative ways to give your brain a reprieve, such as a Sudoku game, meditation or a sketchbook. 

Flying is what you make it and hopefully, by implementing these tips, you’ll have positive and productive flights in the future.