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Tips for Travelling as a Vegetarian or Vegan

Tips for Travelling as a Vegetarian or Vegan

Has your choice to be a vegetarian or vegan left you concerned about your food options, should you travel somewhere? It’s important to remember that these lifestyle choices are being practiced all around the world, with millions of people falling into either category in just North America alone. 

The following tips are for all the vegetarians and vegans out there, who want to enjoy food options that are in line with their lifestyle on vacation. 

Network with People

Technology enables us to connect with individuals all over the world. Social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) are all great ways to connect with individuals who have visited the destination you’re interested in and can provide feedback on where to find the best veg-friendly grub. 

Choose Veg-Friendly Destinations

Your travel destination is a large factor in what your meal options will look like and how plentiful they will be. Taking time to research the local cuisine of potential destinations goes a long way to gauging what your food options will be once you’re there. Even when visiting travel destinations that don’t have a reputation for being vegan or vegetarian-friendly, there’s a good chance you’ll find ample food to eat if you dig deep enough. 

When visiting new restaurants, make sure to state your dietary choices and many restaurants will do their best to accommodate you. Sudbury has numerous vegan-friendly eating options, some of them being: