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Seizing the Picture Perfect Moment

Seizing the Picture Perfect Moment

Photographs have become a staple on trips. These images help increase our awareness of our surroundings and allow us to enjoy special moments for years to come. Incorporate these tips on your next trip to return home with quality photos.

Be Spontaneous with Your Shots!

Don’t return from vacation with a collection of pictures where everyone is in planned poses. Introduce some creativity and originality to your pictures. A photograph should do more than show a person or object; it should capture their emotions in that moment.

Be Prepared for Those Perfect Moments

The perfect picture waits for no one. You must always be ready. Your smartphone is a worthy alternative, if a picture perfect moment arises–such as a sunset or rainbow–and you don’t have access to your camera.  

Give Your Kids an Opportunity with the Camera

This may sound like a terrible idea; however, under your watchful eye, allowing your child to take their own pictures gives them an opportunity to be creative and independent. It also provides you with a sneak preview in the mind of your child. Who knows, you might actually enjoy the world from their perspective!

Forgo Selfies for a Picture Taken By Someone Else

Yes, selfies can be fun but don’t be afraid to ask an individual passing by to snap a quick photo. Most people won’t mind at all! This is the best way to get a quality picture of yourself and any potential travel companions with you.

Include Locals in Your Pictures

Part of travelling to a new place is experiencing its culture and this is best done by immersing yourself with the local people. Capturing these moments in photos, enables you to bring these cultural experiences home with you and share them with family and friends.