Best Post-Flight Stretches to Do in Your Hotel

Most desk workers know that sitting idle too long is unhealthy. Even without being told so, the resulting pain says enough. For frequent fliers, they too know the discomforts of sitting for hours. However, most must do without the luxuries of modern office furniture. Instead, they’re confined to small rows, squished between two other passengers, the window or the aisle (if lucky). That pain desk workers feel amounts to little in comparison.
Besides a lack of space, the act of sitting upright actually causes the pain. When seated, our hip flexors and hamstrings shorten, as well as various hip and lower back muscles. When shortened for a long time, they remain tight even after standing up. Bent legs also affect circulation, which can lead to soreness the next day.
Thankfully, fliers can alleviate this pain with a few quick stretches before and after the flight. There’s plenty of literature on this topic; however, most coaches differ with their recommendations. Thus, we’ve wrangled together some of the best stretching routines to practice at home or in the hotel.
A Three-Step Stretching Routine for Before, During and After Your Flight
Infographic found on Fabletics.
A Multipart Guide to Pre-Flight and In-Air Stretching
Infographic found on Women’s Health Magazine.