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Why Night Is the Best Time to Travel

Why Night Is the Best Time to Travel

Red eye flights and overnight bus trips are not often a traveller’s first choice, yet travelling great distances overnight promises numerous benefits. It only poses drawbacks for short journeys, when you lose too much sleep and begin your vacation sluggishly.

Cheaper, Faster and More Spacious

Fewer people choose to travel at night and this lower demand usually translates into bigger savings. Plus, you can expect smaller lines for checking in and a quieter atmosphere overall—one conducive to sleep.

Save on Accommodations

When an overnight trip spans several hours, it can replace a hotel for the night. You board in the evening and then arrive in the morning, ready to start your vacation with a full day ahead.

That said, short nighttime trips are insufficient for rest. Not to mention, arriving in a new city too early or late in the night will mean that fewer services and stores are open. Getting from your transportation station to the city or finding a place to eat may be unnecessarily difficult. Likewise, night trips that face delays sometimes have a cascading effect and ruin the following day.