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Tips for Making Your Hotel Stay a Little Safer

Reputable hotels instate various protocols to keep their guests safe. From cameras to personnel, a lot of effort goes into securing each private room and common area. This includes protection from burglary, intrusions, natural disasters and more.

As a responsible traveller, regardless how well protected you may feel, always check that the security tools available work. Moreover, pack things like portable locking devices, door alarms and door stoppers to beef up security while you sleep or when you leave the hotel.

Safety Precautions During Your Check-In

When you first approach the front desk, ask the concierge to keep your room number a secret. Otherwise, he or she may announce it to you, along with directions to that room, when handing over the keys. Typically, this is not a problem, but you should always be conscious of eavesdroppers.

Likewise, protect your financial information when paying for your room. Leaving a credit card on the counter allows onlookers to memorize your access number, name and expiration date. If you turn it upside down without thinking, you may reveal the CVV validation code.

Safety Precautions During Your Stay

After entering your room, perform the following checks:

  • Is there a peephole and is it easy to see through?
  • Does the deadbolt latch?
  • Can you make external calls from the telephone?
  • Are the windows openable and, if so, how well do they lock and how far from ground-level is the room?
  • Is there information on fire safety available (i.e. protocols, directions to the nearest exit)?
  • Does the safe have a keypad and is it bolted to the wall?

There is great debate over hotel safe security. While you may reserve your own feelings about it, everyone can agree that leaving cash or valuables in plain sight is not smart.

Regarding the front door, check that it seals without locking or deadbolting. Door pushers are thieves that walk down hotel halls, nudging doors to see if any are ajar. Similarly, be mindful of impersonators. These individuals pretend to be staff, requesting access to your room. If you have not ordered a service, never open the door without first verifying the worker’s legitimacy with the front desk.