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How to Travel with a Medical Condition

How to Travel Safely with a Medical Condition

If travel is in your future, whether it’s for vacation, business or any other reason, and you have a medical condition, it’s absolutely crucial that you take precautionary steps to ensure your health is protected on your trip. Here are four tips for travelling with a medical condition. 

Pack a Surplus of Any Needed Medication

You never know when your travel plans go awry. When travelling, it’s always best to travel with extra medication, should you find your trip extended to a cancelled flight or some other unexpected occurrence.

Carry Your Basic Medical Information on You

Should you find yourself in a medical emergency and unable to speak for yourself, having your medical information printed out on a small card gives emergency medical personnel the necessary information to help you.

Your medical card should include the following information:

  • Contact information for your primary care physician. 
  • Medication name and dosage amount. 
  • List of allergies and current illnesses

Know How to Get Medical Care at Your Destination

When planning for your trip, a very important aspect to discuss is knowing how to get medical attention where you’re going. This task is easier if you’re travelling domestically, opposed to travelling abroad. Contacting the assistance services with your travel insurance company will be able to help you locate medical care and even help with translation services. 

Have a Backup Plan

If you’re travelling with a medical condition, having a backup plan is important so you’re health is never jeopardized. For instance, in the scenario that you lose your medication, having copies of your prescriptions, the number of a travel assistance service line and your physician’s number can make replacing your medication much easier.