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How To Pack Just a Carry On When Travelling for Business

There are a few common etiquette rules to going on a business trip but one of the most important ones is to pack light. Packing light means to just have one carry-on bag and no other luggage to check into the airport. The main logic behind this is to avoid wasting time on either waiting for your luggage to show up at the luggage pick up area (while your boss and co-workers are impatiently waiting for you because they all packed just a carry-on), and also to completely eliminate the chances of your luggage being lost or damaged. If you’ve never felt terror – you definitely will if you’re on a business trip and the airline has lost your luggage. If you’re alone, it’s even worse because you don’t even have the option to sell your first-born to your colleague so they will let you borrow some professional clothes. Now, you might be wondering how you could possibly fit a week or weekend’s worth of items in one small bag?

  1. Check the weather

You need to start with a plan. First thing you must do is check the weather of your destination so you know what type of shoes and clothing you need to take with you. Three pairs of shoes is the maximum amount you need to take with you. If the climate is warm, pack a light shoe (like a sandal), a sneaker, and something in between. Wear the bulkier of the shoes on the plane.

  1. Don’t take what you don’t need

This may seem like an obvious one, but some people who have never traveled or have never stayed in a hotel before might not know that you don’t need to pack shampoo, towels, lotion, or a hair dryer with you. These things are supplied by most hotels and it’s just a huge waste of space in your bag.

  1. Match all of your clothing

Every shoe should match every outfit; every shirt should match every pant, and so on. In order to pack the minimum, pack one pair of pants for every 3 tops. If it’s warm weather, pack some light dresses. The best thing about dresses is that they can be worn as informal dresses, as beach cover-up or a tunic top. Pack clothing that is versatile and light in fabric. If any of your clothing gets wrinkled, hang it in your bathroom and let the steam do the ironing while you shower.

  1. Pack Efficiently

After you’ve chosen the bare minimum amount you will need on your trip, it’s time to pack it properly. Lay dress pants along the bottom of the suitcase with the ends hanging out on either side, layer in wrinkle resistant items, then neatly fold the ends of the pants over the top. Use plastic grocery bags in order to cleanly store laundry, pack shoes, or to just keep things organized. Take only the beauty products you absolutely need, and put them in smaller containers. You won’t need an entire case of bronzer even for a weeklong trip.  Pack your shoes with the heels at the suitcase corners and fill them with socks or underwear.

There are many ways to pack as lightly and efficiently but if you’re going on a shorter trip, these tips should be enough to help you out. Always remember that almost everyone tends to over-pack when going on a trip so be mindful of what you truly, absolutely need and what you do not.