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Group or Solo Travel: Which One is Right for You?

Group or Solo Travel: Which One is Right for You?

Are you unsure of whether your next trip should be solo or with a group? Both travel styles have their advantages and disadvantages but how do you know which one is right for you?

Group Travel

Helps You Save Money

Generally speaking, group travel is the cheaper option. Many accommodations, attractions (amusement parks, museums, etc.) and even transportation (bus and train specifically), offers group rates.

Provides Safety in Numbers

When it comes to safety, the opportunity for misfortune to befall you is reduced in a group. With more eyes watching your back, people with bad intentions, such as pick-pockets, are less likely to see you as a potential target.

Gives You Someone to Share Memories With

Many of us travel to experience new things. When having these special and unique moments, it can be nice to have someone to share them with you.

Solo Travel

Enables You to Be Your Own Boss

A major aspect of group travel is the numerous opinions that come with travelling with others. Travelling solo removes the opinions of others and gives you complete freedom to chart your own course.

Allows You to Reflect

Many people view travel as an opportunity for a reprieve from daily life and an opportunity for reflection. If you’re the type of person who appreciates being alone with your thoughts, solo travel may be right for you. 


Both group and solo travel come with their respective benefits. Your personality, how experienced a traveller you are and what you hope to get out of your trip, all factor in to which form of travel is right for you.

You may not put much weight on this decision; however, understanding what each travel option brings to the table will help you get the most out of your vacation.