Don’t Let Jetlag Steal Precious Time From Your Trip

Have you ever gone on a trip only to have those first few days ruined by jetlag? This can be a common experience when travelling through multiple time zones.
What is Jetlag Exactly?
Jetlag is the disruption of our circadian rhythm and takes place when we travel swiftly from east to west. Jetlag results in a disruption of our sleep-wake patterns. The severity of jet lag depends on the number of time-zones crossed.
How Does Jetlag Affect Us?
Other than disrupting our sleeping patterns—the most common symptom associated with jetlag—here are some of the other common symptoms to watch out for:
- Drowsiness
- Tired
- Irritable
- Lethargic
- Slightly Disoriented
- Headache
How to Beat it?
Fortunately, practices have been uncovered that will minimize the effects of jetlag. Here they are:
- Make light adjustments to your sleeping patterns before your trip to counteract the effects of jetlag.
- Sleep on the plane to reduce jetlag once you arrive at your destination.
- Pick comfortable clothes like track pants and a hoodie for transit days; your wardrobe affects how much sleep you catch.
- Consider booking a hotel room on a higher floor if you’re sensitive to noise. Being higher up can put you further away from restaurants and people checking in and out. If your hotel is a low-rise, consider booking a room closer to the back of the hotel—these rooms tend to be quieter.
- Eat a smaller dinner on your first night in. Large meals aren’t good before sleep; the body must work harder to digest what you just consumed.
Sleep is a crucial part of our daily routine and without it we can’t function at our best. Don’t let jetlag stop you from enjoying your dream vacation.