How to Book More Time off Work

Globally, Canada ranks third in the number of paid vacation days salaried employees receive. Most employees here get two weeks per year—not counting statutory holidays. But according to the staffing firm Robert Half, 26% of Canadians choose not to use these days. The most popular excuse: worrying about falling behind at work.
Admittedly, travelling is not always opportune to your career. For example, most new jobs pass through a 90-day probation period during which extended absences can jeopardise your future. Similarly, if your last performance review went poorly or you’re amidst a busy season, you might want to reconsider skipping town.
Nevertheless, it is important to seize opportunities and take a break for your day-to-day. Here are three tips to help you maximise your allotted time off!
Plan Your Travels Well in Advance
This may seem commonsensical, but the more notice you provide, the less disruptive your absence will be. Ample notice allows your employer to make alternate plans and reschedule important matters.
Likewise, giving yourself time before a vacation lets you adequately prepare for it. Getting into a time-crunch only increases stress, which can leave you haggard upon your return.
Request Unpaid Leave
Some vacations need more than two weeks to fully experience. Depending on your situation at work, you can ask for additional time off without pay. This is called a sabbatical, an agreed period when you retain your job without any of its responsibilities. Many people reserve such things for personal emergencies.
Coordinate Your Holiday with Other Staff
Refrain from booking a holiday when everyone else plans to ditch the office. This leaves the manager unequipped to handle the work and can lead to resentment. Similarly, try not to shrug off work when the boss goes away. Although it might seem like a good time to go unnoticed, it robs you of valuable opportunities to step up and show your leadership merit in the workplace.