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Become a More Creative Person by Travelling More Often

Become a More Creative Person by Travelling More Often

What if we told you that travel could make you smarter? It certainly helps us to relax and escape from our day-to-day, but such emotional advantages are tough to quantify. Still, there are several clinical and anecdotal studies that posit travel is good for the mind. Let’s explore the evidence.

Columbia Business School

Adam Galinsky, a professor at Columbia Business School, studied the correlation between travel and creativity. Using 270 premium fashion houses as his subjects, he discovered that those working and living abroad produced the most innovative designs. The study explains that foreign experiences help people increase their “cognitive flexibility” and establish a stronger, clearer sense of self.

US Travel Association

A recent poll by the US Travel Association suggests travel can combat dementia and Alzheimer’s for retirees. Moreover, travellers seem to be more content with their lifestyles. Thus, travel promises more than just lucidity—it can help us overcome an array of emotional struggles.

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

An article from the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology claims students who study abroad are 20% more efficient at problem-solving. During the study, researchers gave participants a simple computer task and measured their response rates. Those with rich travel experiences used multiple perspectives for problem solving, understanding that meanings change culture-to-culture.