Advice for Getting Your Fitness Resolutions Back on Track

If you’re anything like me, you’re thoroughly enjoying the beautiful weather this spring season has brought, but in the back of your mind, you can still vaguely remember those New Year’s resolutions you set back in January. You remember how you committed to making your physical health a priority and taking exercise serious to achieve this and yet here we are barely holding on to these commitments.
Fortunately for all of us, there is hope. The following advice will help you to get back on track for your fitness resolutions!
Start Small and Slowly Build Your Habit
Passion without planning is a fire that can quickly burn out. When making resolutions in any life area, it’s essential to implement them in a way that encourages long-term commitment and not just short-term excitement. With fitness resolutions, this means exercising to your current fitness level and not where you want to be. It’s OK to start off at an easier, more manageable pace as you build the habit.
Maybe for you, working out for an hour at a time is just physically out of reach right now. Start with 20 minutes a day and slowly work up to the one hour mark.
Increase Your Intensity
When structuring your workouts, it’s important to remember that increasing the intensity raises the calories being burned. Compound movements are great for this, as they activate multiple sections of the body simultaneously. By engaging more of your body in one workout, your increasing your time efficiency and the overall workout.
Invest in Self-Care
Achieving your fitness goals is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t expect to get used to your workout routine and see visible progress in a couple weeks. Some days you’ll lack all motivation to workout, so try to be flexible. If you don’t feel like a trip to the gym, consider going for a walk or a bike ride.