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How To Stay Active During Winter In Sudbury

staying active during winter in sudbury

Picture this: a crisp winter morning, with cold temperatures and a fresh blanket of snow covering the ground. While it may be tempting to hibernate indoors during the colder months, there are numerous benefits to staying active in cold weather. Not only does it boost your mood and energy levels, but regular exercise during winter also helps prevent weight gain and improves cardiovascular health. Plus, being active in cold weather can enhance your immune system function. So, instead of letting the chilly temperatures hold you back, let’s explore how to stay active during winter in Sudbury!

1. Indoor Workouts: Yoga And HIIT At Home

When the cold weather hits, it can be tempting to hibernate under a cozy blanket. But don’t let Jack Frost freeze your fitness goals! One way to stay active during the winter is by engaging in indoor workouts like yoga or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) right in the comfort of your own home. These exercises not only help you break a sweat, but also keep your body warm and flexible.

2. Layer Up For Outdoor Exercise

If you are a cold lover, and prefer outdoor exercise in chilly temperatures, proper layering is key. Dressing appropriately can protect you from frostbite while allowing you to enjoy the crisp winter air. Start with a moisture-wicking base layer, add an insulating middle layer, and top it off with a windproof and waterproof outer layer. Don’t forget to wear gloves, a hat, and thick socks to keep extremities warm.

3. Utilize Indoor Facilities

When Mother Nature makes it too frigid to venture outside, make use of indoor facilities such as gyms, swimming pools, or indoor tracks. Dowling Leisure Centre is a fitness centre that offers many of these things! You can lift weights at the gym, perfect your squash playing at the squash courts, or run on an indoor track without worrying about slipping on icy surfaces. These places provide ample opportunities for various forms of exercise regardless of the weather conditions outside.

4. Participate In Outdoor Sports

Sudbury is known for its great nature, especially in the winter. Participate in ice fishing, cross-country skiing, ice skating, snowmobiling, and even snowshoeing! If you’ve never had the opportunity to play these sports, there’s a first time for everything. In fact, if you are interested in signing up for a professional ski-doo race, Sudbury will be hosting Snow Cross from March 2-3, 2024. Click here to learn more! For more information about outdoor winter activities in Sudbury, read our blog here.

Now that you know how to stay active during the winter, you can choose whether to embrace the cold Canadian winter weather or cozy up indoors without heading out into the winter wonderland that Sudbury has to offer. If you are travelling to Sudbury and are looking for indoor places to workout, the Quality Inn Sudbury has got you covered! Our Fitness Centre is open 24 hours, so you can work out whenever you like! To book your stay, call us at (705) 675-1273.