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15 Lifehacks That Will Change the Way You Pack

There are about 100 different lifehack lists online that help you pack your suitcase as efficiently as possible. I have done you the favour of reading through many of them and picking out the best ones, placing them in a short and useful list.

1. Use a paperclip to keep your suitcase zippers together if you don’t have a luggage lock

2. Keep your jewelry from tangling by placing them between two sheets of plastic wrap

3. Pack your earrings and other small jewelry, earphones, or tweezers in prescription bottles

4. Pack clothing that you don’t want to wrinkle in dry cleaning bags and then fold

5. Pack your shoes inside shower caps to keep dirt from spreading

6. Stuff your socks and other small items inside your shoes

7. To keep your razor from being a hazard, utilize a binder clip as a razor cover

8. Fold your underwear instead of packing it in wads, it saves a lot of space

9. Throw some laundry sheets in your suitcase

10. Pack your belts along the edges of your suitcase or inside shirt collars

11. Wrap your hair straightener or curler in pot holders

12. Keep your hairpins and clips inside an empty Tic Tac container to keep them from getting lost

13. Roll your clothes instead of folding, you’ll be surprised to see how much space you save

14. Fold your blazers inside out to prevent wrinkles

15. Pack your heaviest items towards the rolly end of your suitcase to make rolling it easier